

Don’t Miss Your Enrollment Goals This Year

Consumer behavior shows us when your prospective students are researching and enrolling in schools. Missing those windows of opportunity could make or break your enrollment goals. With the right marketing plan, you can get ahead of those goals, reach your prospective students, and convince them that your school is their best choice.

When it comes to advertising in the education space, we have an unmatched proven track record of success.

Break through the online clutter to reach the prospects most likely to choose you.

Marketing success in the Education Industry requires a robust knowledge of the prospect’s journey in choosing their school, how and when to reach them, and the messaging that compels them. Here at FanBase our field-tested strategies have increased awareness and enrollments for our clients.


  • Early Learning Schools doubled the number of new enrollment inquiries in 45 days!
  • The cost of new student acquisition decreased by 100% while the number of new enrollments increased.

Know & Find the Prospect

Build Awareness When They’re Researching

Compel Them to Tour When They’re Deciding


Choose a digital marketing agency willing to partner with you to meet your goals.

At FanBase, it all starts with a custom plan to deliver on your enrollment goals. We bring our knowledge, experience, and insights to the table, and together, we will build a plan that puts the wind in your sails for a successful school year.


  • Digital marketing for early childhood schools focuses on leveraging online platforms to attract, engage, and retain families seeking quality education for their young children.
  • The strategy typically includes a combination of highly targeted digital advertising campaigns.
  • Successful digital marketing in early childhood education builds relationships with parents, fosters trust in the institution, and helps the school stand out in a competitive market.
  • FanBase prides itself on being an expert in digital advertising for Early Childhood Schools and hosts a great deal of experience in this space.


  • Open enrollment starts for most schools in January, and most parents have made their decision for the next year’s enrollment by April.
  • Reach them in early childhood: 70% of students switch schools only once or twice before high school while over 30% of elementary school students make more than one school change between 1st and 8th grade.


  • Don’t neglect non-traditional students. Forbes reports that 58% of students graduate in up to 6 years, as opposed to the standard 4.
  • Universities spend between $429-$623 per student on marketing
  • The average age of a graduate student is 33.
  • 83% of college students are completely, very, or somewhat confident that “they will earn enough money to make the cost of college worth it.” 60% of parents believe it’s worth the investment. But only 36% feel confident they can pay for 4 years of education costs.
  • Marketing your graduate career outcomes is compelling for prospective students.


Higher Education:

  • Gen Z Seeking Undergraduate Program: GEOFENCE (past visitors to rival universities), CONTENT (colleges & universities, education, college sports, standardized & admissions tests), BEHAVIORAL: Gen Z audience, TikTok users, college & universities, college life researchers, DEMO (graduating high school, high school graduate)
  • Parents of Undergraduate Prospects: CONTENT (colleges & universities, distance learning, college financing), BEHAVIORAL (teenagers in household, parents of high school students, colleges, & universities, parenting & family), DEMO (parents of teenagers, household income threshold)
  • Graduate Degree Seekers: CONTENT (distance learning, education, career resources & planning, resumes & portfolios), BEHAVIORAL (master’s degree, business education, higher education seekers, continuing education), DEMO (has undergraduate degree, college graduate, age 30-39, millennials)

Primary + Secondary Education:

  • Expecting + New Parents: GEOFENCE (nearby children’s stores), CONTENT (what to expect, daycares, preschools, baby programs), BEHAVIORAL (early childhood education, parenting & family, children in household 0-8, pregnancy), DEMO (pregnant, children in household 0-8), GEO (driving distance to school)
  • Parents of Primary Children: CONTENT (support for childhood behaviors, elementary education, elementary schools, elementary curriculum, best teachers, best schools)), BEHAVIORAL (parenting & family, early childhood development, early childhood education) DEMO (children in household 0-8, pregnant), GEO (driving distance to school)

Based on client successes and industry trends, here are the most effective channels in Education

Channel Awareness Conversion
Device ID
Facebook + Insta
Local SEO
Organic SEO  
Streaming Audio

★ = best    ✓= good


Just like every product isn’t made for every person, our agency isn’t perfect for every business.

From the very first contact, we’ll help determine if digital marketing is the right tool for you and if FanBase is the right partner for you.

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